How not to overlook the initial stage of nail fungus, which is much easier and cheaper to treat than advanced stages? In this article we will talk about how to prevent nail fungus on the toes and hands, and what to do when it starts.
27 October 2023
Fungal infection of the feet is an infectious disease. Features of treatment and how to cure foot fungus. Traditional methods.
24 October 2023
Toenail fungus: how to treat the disease? Detailed description of symptoms and treatments.
30 December 2022
How is toenail fungus treated with folk remedies? We analyze the most effective of them - iodine, vinegar, soda, kombucha, tar.
26 June 2022
Causes and symptoms of fungus on the big toe. Effective conservative and surgical methods of fungal infection treatment, preventive measures.
25 June 2022
Toenail fungus - what is it? The causes of the disease. Review of effective treatments.
19 July 2021